SpinalTouch+ Method
Course Training Bundle
Parts 1-4

Learn the
SpinalTouch+ Method

Learn simple step-by-step techniques to alleviate pain & finally help those you care about get the LONG-TERM RELIEF they've been seeking!

Do you know someone who is tired of being in pain?

Help those you care about get the
LONG-TERM PAIN RELIEF they're after!!

Simple Body Mechanics

This technique improves the posture quickly which then creates a long-lasting effect for pain relief. Through a simple body mechanics technique, you can guide the body to straighten by itself.

Soft-Touch Technique

There are no bone adjustments or weekly massage sessions involved. It is a non-invasive technique used to help with back and neck pain and other problems associated with muscle tension.

Circulation is the Key

The SpinalTouch+ Method was developed to relax the postural muscles of the back so that the spine can align to its natural position. This allows circulation to flow freely so a person's body can return to and remain at its optimal state of health.

Our bodies are meant to be relaxed when standing vertical. Because of the laws of balance and physics, any position other than vertical when standing requires tension, often in the back, to hold our body in place.

What Is Muscle Tension?

When we experience postural injuries, such as those that cause us to compensate for pain, our muscles can become tense and circulation to the affected area may be reduced or even cut off, leading to pain, numbness, and tissue damage. Although in perfect health all passive tension would disappear after the injury has healed, seeking the help of a qualified therapist can be necessary for total relief. The SpinalTouch+ Method targets muscle relaxation and can provide almost instant results.

The SpinalTouch+ Method Course Training Outline

Course Training Bundle

In order to enroll in the SpinalTouch+ Method Course: Part 2, you must purchase the SpinalTouch+ Method Bundle, which is a one-time enrollment fee of $997.

Once you enroll, you will be given immediate online access to the SpinalTouch+ Method complete course, which will take 16 to 20 hours to go through and learn.